Saturday, January 30, 2010

Project Three somethingty something 2010

There's this thing going around called Project 365 challenging people to document a year in pictures. Remembering to take a picture every single day is a little ambitious for me so I decided to make it three hundred something pictures so I won't feel like a failure when I forget a day or two here and there. The plan is to post a week in review here on our blog so you guys can see the types of things we find exciting around here. As usual, I procrastinated a little so here we are 30 days into January and I'm just now putting my first batch of pictures up. Hopefully I'll be a little better about getting them up on a regular basis from here on out.


January 1st: Keaton with the unicorn Pillow Pet he got for Christmas.


January 2nd: I don't think there are many Saturdays that don't involve a trip to Sam's.


January 3rd: Uh-oh, I forgot to buy a new calendar, better hurry up and get one.


January 4th: Aubrie's first day back to Irish dance after the Christmas break.


January 5th: One last picture of the Christmas tree before I take it down.


January 6th: Our plumbing backed up and flooded the kitchen and the kid's room last night so today we went out and got a new steam cleaner because their room stunk!!



January 7th: Irelyn and Juliette are 4 months old today.


January 8th: My favorite coffee cup. Two things that make me happy: lots of coffee and bright colors.


January 9th: Gage playing with blocks.


January 10th: Sunday night after kids are in bed is lesson planning time.


January 11th: Kenlie's first time to get her nails painted. She kept saying "I'm so excited you painted my fingers and my toes with 'more' polish".


January 12th: Started doing Weight Watchers today. My goal is to lose 32 pounds.


January 13th: Before.


January 14th: Gage doing math in the kitchen floor.


January 15th: I've had The One Year Bible for years now and haven't actually done it. I decided this will be the year for that. I'm starting a little late but the reading is short so I should be able to catch up.


January 16th: Gage with the spy glasses he got for Christmas.


January 17th: Irelyn.


January 18th: I finally got around to taking down the Christmas tree and this is what I found on the wall behind where it stood. Thankfully the artist signed his name so I was able to know who I had to punish.


January 21st: Juliette (left) and Irelyn (right) getting some tummy time.


January 23rd: Gage playing "Connect 4X4" with himself.


January 24th: Kenlie is sick with RSV and a double ear infection. She was watching t.v. and fell asleep on the couch.


January 25th: Gage is quite an artist. He made a laptop and on the screen is his favorite computer game "Toon Town".


January 26th: Sickness has struck the house hard. Kenlie, Karys, Irelyn and Juliette all have RSV and I have a really bad cold.


January 27th: Karys, Kenlie and Aubrie freshly bathed.


January 28th: Ice on one of the bushes in our front yard.

I promise now that I'm caught up, the next post won't be so long.


mom2many said...

When your blog came up on my list, I almost passed out!!! I love the pics, but don't think I would be very good at it. About the Bible...don't try to catch up. It will KILL you. Just start on the current day and if you miss a day, skip it and go on. That is how I have been able to do it...otherwise, I would fail the first week and quit!!!

Madeleine said...

right before i checked my email, i thought about starting the whole 365 picture something.. so i thought it was funny you did this. i know im late on starting and know i will forget a day or two here and there but seeing all the great pics of this kids and you made me really wanna start!! thanks!!!! now i feel like i know whats going on with yall!!!

Emilee said...

great updates!

This is Emilee from CMF